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What Size Grow Bag For Tomatoes Should You Get? - The Bamboo Guy

What Size Grow Bag For Tomatoes Should You Get?

Limited garden space or the absence of a yard should not discourage you from growing your own tomatoes. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor space, using grow bags can provide an excellent solution for cultivating tomatoes. However, you must select the correct grow bag size to optimize tomato growth and yield.

In this blog, we will tell you what size grow bag for tomatoes you will need, and the benefits associated with their use.

Factors To Consider When Selecting Grow Bag Sizes

Regarding healthy tomato plant growth, the size of the grow bag matters. There are certain factors you should consider when determining an ideal grow bag size for tomato plants.

These factors are:

Tomato Variety: Different tomato varieties have varying growth patterns and sizes. Smaller tomato varieties, such as cherry tomatoes, require smaller grow bags, while larger varieties, such as beefsteak tomatoes, require additional space for growth.

Soil Quality: You must use quality soil in your grow bags for optimal plant nutrition. While potting soil is recommended, garden soil can also be used. However, if garden soil is chosen, a larger grow bag will be required to ensure sufficient soil quantity for optimal nutrient uptake.

Indoor or Outdoor Planting: Growing tomatoes indoors or outdoors can affect their care and watering needs. The size of the grow bag should be adjusted accordingly to meet these requirements.

Portability and Location: Consider the need to move the tomato plants to cater to their sunlight exposure and other environmental factors. Moreover, consider the conditions during different seasons, such as excessive heat in summer or heavy rainfall, to select the appropriate grow bag size.

What Size Grow Bag For Tomatoes Should You Get

Determinate Vs Indeterminate Tomatoes

Before choosing what size grow bag for tomatoes, it is essential to understand the differences between determinate and indeterminate tomato varieties:

Determinate Tomatoes: These varieties have a compact size with a bushy appearance. Determinate tomatoes produce their entire crop simultaneously, making them suitable for gardeners who prefer to harvest and process their tomatoes simultaneously. Examples of determinate tomato varieties include Roma, Celebrity, and Early Girl.

Indeterminate Tomatoes: Indeterminate tomatoes continue growing until the end of the season and can reach heights of over 12 feet. Prune to a height you are comfortable working at and stake or trellis to prevent the vines from falling over. Green garden tape is an excellent way to tie up your vines since it allows the vines to stretch the tape. Those who love to enjoy fresh tomatoes every day must pick Indeterminate tomatoes. Because indeterminate Tomatoes produce fruit continuously throughout the season, providing a steady supply of fresh tomatoes. Popular indeterminate tomato varieties include Beefsteak, Better Boy, and Big Mama.

Best Grow Bag Sizes for Different Tomato Varieties

Based on the factors mentioned above and the characteristics of determinate and indeterminate tomatoes, the following grow bag sizes are recommended:

Determinate Tomatoes: Most determinate varieties can be grown in 7-gallon bags but thrive in 10 gallon or larger grow bags. It is advisable to choose grow bags with a height of over 11 inches for healthy tomato growth.

However, larger grow bags will provide more space for root development, regardless of the tomato variety.

Indeterminate Tomatoes: Indeterminate tomato plants require more room for their sprawling growth especially since tomato plants are a deeper rooting plant. A 20-gallon or larger grow bag is recommended, ensuring a minimum depth of at least 15 inches. These larger grow bags accommodate the extensive root system of indeterminate tomatoes, promoting healthier growth and higher yields.

Compact Patio Tomato: The compact patio tomatoes are tiny in size and thus able to grow in a 3 to 5 gallon grow bag. The noticeable examples are Tiny Tim dwarf cherry tomato, Window Box Roma, and Elfin tear-shaped tomato.

“Rob here, at the bamboo guy. I do not believe that grow bags from 10 gallons to 50 gallons should only come in one depth, since not all plants need the same amount of room for deeper roots. Tomato plants definitely need more room for their deeper roots. I recommend checking out our line of taller bags for your tomato plants. These deeper bags come in 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 gallon bags.

Best Grow Bag Sizes for Different Tomato Varieties

Advantages Of Using Grow Bags For Tomatoes

Grow bags offer several advantages for growing tomatoes:

Breathability: Grow bags are made of breathable fabric, allowing for adequate soil aeration and dissipation of excessive heat. This promotes healthier root development and prevents root-bound plants.

Portability and Lightweight: Grow bags are lightweight and highly portable. On top, the presence of handles makes it easy to move the plants to different locations based on their sunlight and environmental needs.

Reusable and Easy to Store: Grow bags can be reused for multiple growing seasons, making them a sustainable choice. They can be easily folded and stored when unused, occupying minimal space.

Excellent Drainage: Unlike conventional pots, grow bags have excellent drainage capabilities. Excess water evaporates quickly through the fabric, preventing waterlogging and root rot.

Promotes Robust Root System: Growing tomatoes in grow bags encourages the development of a healthy and extensive root system. (especially in our new line of The breathable fabric allows roots to air prune, stimulating the growth of new roots and preventing root-bound plants.

Advantages Of Using Grow Bags For Tomatoes

Tips For Growing Tomatoes In Grow Bags

To ensure successful tomato cultivation in grow bags, consider the following tips:

Sunlight Exposure: Tomatoes require at least 8 hours of sunlight daily for optimal growth and fruit production. Place the grow bags in a sunny, bright, and well-ventilated location.

Planting Depth: Plant tomatoes deep in the grow bags to encourage the development of additional roots along the buried stem. This promotes stronger and healthier plants.

Watering: Grow bags have excellent drainage, which can result in quicker drying of the soil. Monitor the moisture levels and water your tomato plants frequently to compensate for the faster evaporation.

Soil Nutrients: Use high-quality potting soil or amend garden soil with compost before planting tomatoes in grow bags. Consider adding crushed eggshells to boost calcium levels and provide essential nutrients.

Planting Different Varieties: To ensure a steady supply of tomatoes throughout the season, plant different tomato varieties with varying yielding times. This will provide a continuous harvest.

Holding Up Your Tomato Plants:


What size grow bag for indeterminate tomatoes?

The ideal size of grow bag for indeterminate tomato varieties is 20 gallons (15 inches or more in height, I prefer at least 18” Check out on taller grow bags for deeper rooting plants like tomatoes).

How many tomato plants per grow bag?

There's a space for 3 tomato plants per grow bag (while there is space for 3 plants they will be smaller than one individual plant, so there is a trade-off quantity versus quality).

What Size Grow Bag for Cherry Tomatoes?

Cherry tomatoes may be small, but their roots and yield are large.  I recommend 15 gallon and 20 gallon bags to allow enough room for your tomato plants to thrive.

Can I use 5-gallon grow bags to grow tomatoes?

It is possible to grow tomatoes in 5-gallon grow bags. However, growing tomatoes in 5-gallon grow bags is not recommended. The limited space restricts root development, resulting in smaller yields and inferior taste.

Tomatoes in Grow Bags are They suitable for you?

Yes, Growing bags can be used for most vegetables like tomatoes plus all your salad veggies, peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, potatoes and all your herbs. Ensure you choose the size for each plant's needs.

Can I reuse grow bags for tomatoes?

Yes, grow bags can be reused for multiple growing seasons. Proper cleaning and dry storage after each season will ensure your grow bags for tomatoes will be ready for fresh tomatoes year after year.


Growing tomatoes in a bag is an excellent solution for those with limited garden space, need or want to move your tomato plants, or no access to a yard. By selecting the right size grow bag for determinant tomato plants (11 inches in height).

Indeterminate tomato plants(15+ inches in height), you can promote healthy growth and maximize your harvest for your tomato variety. Consider the factors mentioned, such as tomato variety, soil quality, and location, when choosing the appropriate grow bag size.

With breathability, portability, and excellent drainage advantages, grow bags are a practical and for cultivating tomatoes. Follow the provided tips to enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious homegrown tomatoes.

Grow Bags for Tomatoes Are a rewarding and practical way to grow your next crop of tomatoes

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